Welcome to the Touch Art Gallery Setup guide. If you are interested in embedding the TAG web app, using the TAG authoring mode, troubleshooting, or installing a TAG server, you are in the right place! The content here is meant to be easy to follow; if you find something confusing or incorrect, we would appreciate any feedback at brown.touchartgallery@outlook.com. There is also a list of features under active development at the bottom, which may be useful if you are contemplating using Touch Art Gallery. If you have any ideas for new features, or if you have noticed any erratic functionality, please email us; we would love to hear from you!

Windows 8/8.1 Application Setup
The TAG Windows app is available in the Windows App Store here. If you are using a Windows 8/8.1 machine, you should be able to install directly from there.

By default, TAG connects to the Brown Graphics Lab demo server, which has a selection of demo content to explore. To explore content on another server, please see the next section.
TAG servers available for browsing

TAG demo server

Seattle Art Museum

To browse the contents of one of these servers, you can use the change servers by entering the corresponding server address (e.g."browntagserver.com") given above in the change server input box.

Sorry, image failed to load!
start page, change server input box indicated

Web Application Setup
The TAG web application is available for download and can be embedded in an existing site using the instructions below.
  1. Download the source here
  2. Uncompress the downloaded .zip file. This may happen automatically after you download and click on the file, or you may need to right-click on the file in the finder or file explorer
  3. Move the resulting TAG directory to the desired location within your site, say "webroot/a/b/TAG_WebApp"
  4. Make sure the TAG directory and its contents have the proper permissions. Directories should be world-executable (e.g., "chmod 755"), and files should be world-readable (e.g., "chmod 644").
  5. In your site (webroot/site.html), include the TAG/TAG-embed.js script:
    <script src='./a/b/TAG/TAG-embed.js'></script>
  6. Also in your site, set up a div in which you would like to embed TAG. As an example, you can take a look at TAG/demo.html, which sets up a div with id "tagContainer":
    <div id='tagContainer'
  7. You can now use the "TAG" function in your site. As an example, you can take a look at TAG/demo.html. A snippet from this file is below for reference:
    <script src='TAG-embed.js'></script>
        window.onload = load;
        function load() {
                path: '',
                containerId: 'tagContainer',
                serverIp: 'browntagserver.com',
                width: '1000px',
                height: '500px'
The TAG web app is designed to be embedded in your site with minimal interference to the rest of the page.

You can customize your TAG web app embedding with the following options, which can be specified in the call to TAG as above:

path (default = "")

The relative path to the TAG directory from your site. For example, following the setup in the instructions above, where TAG resides in the webroot/a/b directory and the site resides at webroot/site.html, you should specify:
path: 'a/b/TAG_WebApp'

containerId (default = "tagContainer")

The ID of the div in which you would like to embed TAG. For example, above, we explicitly specify:
containerId: 'tagContainer'

serverIp (default = "browntagserver.com")

The ip address of the TAG server to which you would like your embedding to connect. The default is the TAG demo content server. To connect to the Seattle Art Museum's server, for example, you could specify:
serverIp: 'tag.seattleartmusem.org'

width (default = width of containing div or "740px")

The desired width of the TAG embedding in pixels. It defaults to the width of the containing div (if specified) or "740px" if the containing div doesn't have a specified width. Note that TAG will always have a 16:9 aspect ratio no matter the specified dimensions; it will fill as much space as possible under the aspect ratio, height, and width constraints. Example:
width: "1000px"

height (default = height of containing div or "460px")

The desired height of the TAG embedding in pixels. It defaults to the height of the containing div (if specified) or "460px" if the containing div doesn't have a specified height. Note that TAG will always have a 16:9 aspect ratio no matter the specified dimensions; it will fill as much space as possible under the aspect ratio, height, and width constraints. Example:
height: "500px"

hiddenCollections (default = [])

An array of IDs for collections you would like to hide in this embedding. This may be helpful if you have several collections published on a server but only one or two of them are relevant to a particular site. The IDs can be obtained by navigating to the collections tab in the authoring mode; an ID is listed at the bottom of the right-most column when your collection is selected. Example:
hiddenCollections: [
] // hides "Getty Museum Collection" on TAG demo server

idleDuration (default = 0)

If specified and non-zero, this controls the length of a timer (in milliseconds) that will reset TAG to the collections page if no meaningful interaction has been detected. Example:
idleDuration: 120000 // two minutes

interpretURLParams (default = true)

If true, TAG users can effectively link to certain pages in your embedding by supplying some extra query parameters in your site's URL. This is enabled by default. Example:
interpretURLParams: false // disable linking

urlToLoad (default = '')

If specified, TAG will parse this URL as if it were given as the URL of your page and the interpretURLParams option were set to true. This allows you to start TAG to a specific page (e.g., the tour player with a particular tour playing) by default when users visit your site with its normal URL. You can obtain one of these URLs by clicking on one of several "link" buttons throughout the web app. Specifying this option overrides an interpretURLParams=false value. Example:
urlToLoad: 'http://localhost:8888/tag2/TAG/embeddingDemo.html \
             #tagpagename=tour&tagguid=3a4e3a92-3048-48b8-88a2- \
             b22b821766ff&tagonlytour=false&tagserver= \
TAG Server Setup
Here are some notes on setting up the necessary SQL Server software and installing the TAG Server application. Please download the current version of the TAG server application here: server installer.

Authoring: How do I add artworks to a collection?

Tap on the "Collections" tab on the left column, select your collection in the middle column, and in the right column below the preview window, you'll see a button that says "Manage Collection." You can tap on this to choose artworks to include in the collection. If your collection has not yet been created, the "New" button at the top of the middle column will create a new collection.

Authoring: How do I add associated media?

First, navigate to the "Associated Media" tab in the authoring mode. You can import new associated media (images, audio clips, or videos) by tapping on the "Import" button at the top of the middle column. When your media have been imported, you can tap on the "Associate to Artworks" button to associate a particular image/audio/video. Associations can also be managed from within the "artwork editor," which can be accessed by navigating to the "Artworks" tab, selecting the desired artwork, and tapping "Enter Artwork Editor." Once in the artwork editor, the "Add/Remove Media" button will allow you to pick from all available media, and clicking on a media thumbnail below the "Add/Remove" button will allow you to edit specific media.

Some of the videos on my server are not playing in all browsers. What can I do?

We are working on providing a server-side video converter, which should fix cross-browser compatibility issues for any videos imported after this feature is in place. In the meantime, we recommend using TX264, a free H264 converter which will help optimize your files for web playback while also converting your video to a streaming-friendly MP4 file. Just run your video file through TX264 first and then upload as usual via TAG.

TX264 is available here.

To run TX264 with the proper settings, you can use the .pdo file here, which contains a standard configuration for web MP4s. After extracting TX264, place the .pdo file into the PreDefs directory inside the TX264 directory and start TX264. From the drop-down menu labeled "Pre-defined", select the "standard mp4 format tag" option, and click the arrow button next to the menu to apply the settings. To fix quality issues you can increase the video bitrate option to 3000-6000 (higher is better but will result in a larger file). If you would prefer not to re-upload your video into TAG, you can run this conversion on the machine running your server. To find the relevant video file on your server, search in the TAGServerRepo/Images directory. You can then replace the existing file with the converted version.

Authoring: An uploaded audio file does not play. What can I do?

As above, make sure that the format and encoding of your audio file are appropriate for Internet Explorer. Try using an audio converter to convert your file to .mp3 format. Even if your video is already a .mp3 file, it may have been encoded incorrectly. Using an audio converter should correct the encoding and allow you to upload and play your audio file properly. You can use a free audio converter provided in the Miro Video Converter.

Authoring: I am trying to upload an image, but it seems too large for the uploading tool. What can I do?

The uploading tool in TAG converts incoming images to the Microsoft Deep Zoom format and then stores them in the C:\TAGServerRepo directory on whichever computer is running your instance of the TAG Server. If an image will not upload directly through TAG, you can recreate this process using Microsoft's Deep Zoom Composer application, which can be downloaed free of charge here. After downloading Deep Zoom Composer, you can open it, create a new "project," and import the artwork you would like to bring into TAG. After you fix the composition to your liking and export the image, it will be exported to the directory listed in the right pane of the Composer application. Once you locate the output files in the "GeneratedImages" directory (there will be four entries -- dzc_output_files, dzc_output.xml, scene.xml, and SparseImageSceneGraph.xml -- representing the Deep Zoom image), copy them into C:\TAGServerRepo (you can create a subdirectory for your image). Now, you will want to use the paths to these files and directories to point TAG to your artwork. This can be done by first importing a "dummy" artwork into TAG, then using the "Document Manager" button in the TAG Server GUI. If you right-click on the dummy artwork listed in the Document Manager, you will be given options to edit metadata about the artwork, including the path TAG uses to locate it. You can insert the paths to your artwork here.

Tour authoring: How does Multi-Select work?

Tap the "Multi-Select" button above the track titles. Once it is highlighted, you can select multiple green/gray display boxes from as many different tracks as you want. Then you can start moving them or changing their start and end points, and they will all move in synch. They may stop moving because of other display boxes in the way. To manipulate keyframes, you will have to deselect the multi-selected displays by tapping outside a display.